Community Forum : Annual Conference - Hot Topics
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 Subject : Commit! What is one thing you plan or commit to doing this week?.. 05/12/2021 10:27:00 AM 
Elisabeth Sanders-Park
Posts: 5
Share one thing you will do (start stop, continue, do more or less of...) as a result of the conference.
 Subject : Re:Commit! What is one thing you plan or commit to doing this week?.. 05/12/2021 10:42:33 AM 
Susan Bowser
Posts: 1
Continue viewing the workshops that I wasn't able to attend last week
 Subject : Re:Commit! What is one thing you plan or commit to doing this week?.. 05/12/2021 10:49:29 AM 
Colleen Prechtl
Posts: 1
To look into starting a podcast
 Subject : Re:Commit! What is one thing you plan or commit to doing this week?.. 05/12/2021 11:29:24 AM 
Patrick Kelly
Posts: 2
Discuss a few things with my manager. Such as setting up a website. Also, utilizing the Dun and Bradstreet database. On a personal note, setting up a podcast might be a good idea.
 Subject : Re:Commit! What is one thing you plan or commit to doing this week?.. 05/17/2021 10:32:35 AM 
Elisabeth Sanders-Park
Posts: 5
Great, Susan, Get it on your calendar so it gets done!
 Subject : Re:Commit! What is one thing you plan or commit to doing this week?.. 05/17/2021 10:33:43 AM 
Elisabeth Sanders-Park
Posts: 5
Colleen: how's it going? Have you 'looked into it'? What are you learning?
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